Sunday, April 12, 2009

Australian's For Australian Books

Tara Moss, author of bestselling crime noves Fetish, Split, Covet and Hit, has made her feeling clear on the topic of territorial copyright by encouraging Australians involved in the writing and publishing industry to add their voice to the 270 + submissions to the Productivity Commission into Australian territorial copyright for books.

Tara Tweeted the details of a petition being compiled to let the Productivity Commission know how important this issue is. The details of the petition are located at

Apparently the Productivity Commission "has recommended that territorial copyright for books only last 12 months. And at the same time it admits there is no evidence territorial copyright makes books more expensive!

Limiting territorial copyright to 12 months would be very destructive. Again, it would destroy the investment security that allows Australian publishers to invest in and develop Australian authors, illustrators and editors, and it would export jobs – just what we need in a recession!"

This is not good enough. If you support territorial copyright - Please visit the site and spend the one minute it take to complete the petition.

The wording of the petition is displayed here

I support Australians for Australian Books. I want to
keep a strong Australian book industry developing
and supporting Australian authors, illustrators and
editors, providing a wide range of books at competitive
prices through a wide network of big and small book-
sellers. I strongly support retaining full Australian
territorial copyright for books.


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